Breed of the Month: Dalmation


Dalmatian_liver_stackedDescription: Dalmatian’s are a mid-sized muscular dog. Their bodies are as long as they are tall. The ears set high on the head, and are tapered toward the tip.  Dalmatians have arched toes and round paws.  This breed is generally white with black spots, this is the trait that the Dalmatian breed is known for.

Size: When full-grown, Dalmatians weigh between 35-70lbs. Males are slightly taller than females, measuring in at about 19-24 inches tall.

History:  The origin of the Dalmatian breed has been an unsolved mystery. After centuries of research, they found paintings portraying this breed that date back to the early 1600’s.  A written description of the Dalmatian was found from the early 18th century. Some think they first appeared in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

In 1791, a man named Thomas Bewick declared that this breed would be called Dalmatian.  Even though there were no Dalmatian’s currently residing in the country of Dalmatia.

In 1930, an England ship owner, sailed with his Dalmatians to the country of Dalmatia. He wanted his dogs to live and breed in the country for which they were named after. 

Temperament:  When the 101 Dalmatian movie was released, parents all over wanted to get one for a family pet. The high demand over this breed led to a malpractice in breeding.  Puppy mills, and other careless breeders were producing Dalmatian’s with bad blood lines. It had been noted that pups from bad blood lines tend to be much more aggressive, stubborn, bite, and are very hyper.

When getting a pup from a responsible breeder, Dalmatians tend to be obedient, intelligent, loyal and athletic.  Due to being such a loyal breed, Dalmatian’s can have separation anxiety. When left alone, they can become upset and in time, start destroying things.

Grooming: The Dalmatians’s coats are very fine and short. They shed year-round and the hair can weave itself into clothing, carpet, and upholstery. It is recommended to groom them weekly, using a curry comb or a hound mitt. Due to the small amount of oil on a Dalmatian’s coat, they stay fairly clean and tend not to have the “dog smell”.

Health: Dalmatian’s are generally healthy dogs,  but they do have their share of aliments. The most common health issue among Dalmatian’s is deafness.  Only about 70% of them have regular hearing.  Some breeders’ have stated that they believe blue-eyed pups have a greater chance of becoming deaf than brown-eyed pups.  This theory isn’t valid due to the lack of scientific testing.

Some Dalmatian’s suffer from Hyperuricemia.  This is when there is too much uric acid in the blood. The liver then has trouble breaking down the uric acid, which results it then entering into the blood and urine stream. When one suffers from Hyperuricemia, they tend to have kidney and bladder stones.  This tends to affect middle-aged males around 10 years of age.

Another side-affect of Hyperuricemia, is Gout.  When high uric acid levels are in the body, they tend to crystallize on joints and tendons. When diagnosed with Gout, a human would have symptoms of acute arthritis and swollen joints in the feet. Most commonly the big toe is always affected.

If you are looking to medicate your pet, some people have recommended asking your veterinarian about a medication called Allopurinol.

Special Diet:  Multiple sources have suggested to have your Dalmatian on a fatty acid diet, using raw eggs. This can help with the Gout.  Also keep them off of vitamin C & B. Both vitamins have been known to increase the amount of acid produced. Some owners also switch their dogs to a low purine diet and include whole-grain cereals with no yeast.

Exercise:  Due to their athletic traits, Dalmatian’s require daily exercise and mental stimulation.  They enjoy being outdoors, going for a run, hiking, and even competing in agility activities.  The key to raising a happy Dalmatian is proper exercise and daily activities.

Life Span: One source listed the average life span of a Dalmatian to be 15-16 years.  Then another source stated the average was 9-11 years.

Trivia: Dalmatian were first used as carriage dogs. They ran along side horse-drawn carriages and acted as a guard dog. Later they rode along side fire fighters in horse-drawn fire trucks. This is how they became the fire house mascot.

Today you might see the Dalmatians as they run along side the Anheuser-Busch Draft horse carriage.


